The Work of Art in the Age of Technological Reproduction (2020)
based on an essay by Walter Benjamin
Directed By Jesse Freedman A multi-media cabaret about art, technology and the fight against fascism. The iconic German-Jewish critic, Walter Benjamin, wrote this influential essay in 1935 while running from Nazis. SEPTEMBER 6TH, 10TH-12TH AT 8PM Eastern Presented by The Brick Theater Live Streamed thru Twitch: FEATURING Kaaron Briscoe Eli M. SchoenfeldDramaturgy by Abbey Teller Costume Design by Karen Boyer Composed by Avi Amon Sound by Keenan Hurley Media Design by Lacey Erb Scenic Design by Kyu Shin Assistant Director and Intern – Nam Pham *** OUT OF AN ABUNDANCE OF CAUTION is an avant-garde microfestival LIVE + online of quick + dirty-fascinating work responding to and from the places and people with whom we select to shelter, on a wildly inclusive + non hierarchical platform Produced and curated by The Brick, Lauren Miller, Jessica Almasy, Theresa Buchheister |